Personality tests are used to measure specific facets of our psychological structure.Ħ Test Validity Suppose a math test had only addition problems. An IQ test is supposed to measure intelligence, but some researchers say that it measures the degree of acculturation (how much has been learned about the dominant culture). You must prove the validity (accuracy) and reliability (consistency) of the tests you use in your research for your findings to be acceptable.ĥ Test Validity The validity question for a test/assessment is: Does it measure what it is supposed to measure? A spelling test should measure spelling ability, a math test math ability, and so on.
Results from research using such a test would not be true and there for not useful. If we are not sure that a test (or other type of assessment) is reliable and valid, then we cannot accurately use the results. Why should we be concerned about the validity and reliability of tests? Currently, a great deal of emphasis is placed on assessment. Identify specific types of test validity and test reliability. Presentation on theme: 'Lesson 7a: Validity and Reliability'- Presentation transcript:Ģ Lesson Objectives Define the terms validity and reliability as they relate to tests.